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Tag: Local Businesses

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The Top Five Benefits of Investing in Your Local Economy

by Joshua Rollins on August 12, 2022.

Investing takes on many forms. The key is to keep a diversified portfolio, and investing in local real estate plays an important part in keeping your portfolio healthy. There are many benefits to it, and in the end, investing in local, mid-market real estate can offer you both revenue and the chance to feel connected to your community.

5 Questions for the Capital Seeker

by Joshua Rollins on January 28, 2021.

There comes a point in nearly every business’s life when getting funding is a necessity. At this fateful moment, there may also be a realization that a certifiably insane number of capital sources are out there. Most of these will not be a good fit, and each will have their set of strings, checklists and “arrangements” attached.

Risky Business?

by Malcolm McDonald on January 6, 2021.

We’ve all heard this stat as a warning to both would-be founders and investors. A shot across the bow about the supposedly near-guaranteed failure one faces when starting or investing in a new business. There’s only one problem with this stat. It’s just plain wrong.

We’ve Got a Message for Warren Buffet

by John Crawford on December 29, 2020.

“It’s an economic war.” Warren Buffet delivered this mic drop moment on his recent CNBC interview with Goldman Sachs’ CEO, David Solomon. During the interview, Buffet had a specific request to lawmakers: extend the Paycheck Protection Program.

The SMB’s Survival Guide For The End Of The World

by Malcolm McDonald on November 11, 2020.

70% of small businesses are worried about financial hardship because of prolonged closures and 58% worry about permanently closing. Raising capital is the #1 problem for SMBs, according to a survey by Guidant Financial. Since raising capital is kinda our thing, we’ll start our survival guide there.

How Community Involvement Changes Your Life

by Kasen Wysong on October 13, 2020.

Have you ever seen a group of young men singing Disney songs while swinging a sledgehammer at a cement parking lot? It’s quite a paradoxical spectacle. During college, I spent a blazing hot summer in Israel helping renovate a community building. Our first mission was to break up a parking lot, but the catch was that we only had one sledgehammer.

How to raise money for your non-sexy business

by Malcolm McDonald on September 23, 2020.

Asking someone for money is rarely fun and almost never easy. But if you’re trying to grow your business then you’ll almost always reach a point where you need to bring in capital from outside investors. Turns out, going and getting money from strangers isn’t so different from asking your parents for cash.  So here...

What do Angel investors look for in small businesses?

by Kasen Wysong on September 9, 2020.

Angel investor. Probably the coolest title in the investing world. This moniker belongs to high net worth individuals who financially back a business, usually in return for equity in the company. With the cool name comes a pretty high level of risk.  That’s why there have been laws allowing only individuals with large disposable income...