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Tag: Main Street Investing

The Evolution of Local Investing

by John Crawford on April 27, 2022.

At the end of 2020 Chapel ran a successful campaign on Vicinity’s portal to fund a multi-tenant facility in the Poe Mill area. For context, Poe Mill is a historically overlooked neighborhood in downtown Greenville. At face value, it might appear this project didn’t check the box for a “location, location, location” real estate deal; however, a closer look reveals the opposite.

The Case for Direct Ownership

by John Crawford on February 8, 2022.

Let’s talk some trash. No, not figuratively. Trash is an everyday part of our lives, but how much do you really think about this dirty topic? Can you think of a day that goes by where you don’t throw something away? At the same time, when is the last time you’ve had an in-depth conversation...

Pride of Place

by Malcolm McDonald on October 26, 2021.

Pride of place. It’s one of those phrases that sounds familiar, but you’re not sure why. What place are we talking about? Are there lions involved? While it’s not the catchiest phrase, it captures a concept I believe will define our microinvesting-fueled funding revolution.

Is Real Estate Really “Location, Location, Location”?

by Kasen Wysong on February 17, 2021.

At the end of 2020 Chapel ran a successful campaign on Vicinity’s portal to fund a multi-tenant facility in the Poe Mill area. For context, Poe Mill is a historically overlooked neighborhood in downtown Greenville. At face value, it might appear this project didn’t check the box for a “location, location, location” real estate deal; however, a closer look reveals the opposite.

What Robinhood got wrong (& right) in their Super Bowl commercial

by Malcolm McDonald on February 10, 2021.

I was about ready to let the whole Robinhood/Gamestop wildness go… and then I saw the commercial. You’ve probably seen it by now – the Robinhood Super Bowl spot featuring an upbeat voiceover narrating scenes of puppies, babies, and emotional zoom calls (yes, really). The TLDR is that “We are all investors.” Maybe it was...

5 Questions for the Capital Seeker

by Joshua Rollins on January 28, 2021.

There comes a point in nearly every business’s life when getting funding is a necessity. At this fateful moment, there may also be a realization that a certifiably insane number of capital sources are out there. Most of these will not be a good fit, and each will have their set of strings, checklists and “arrangements” attached.

Over The Moon About Microinvesting

by Kasen Wysong on December 2, 2020.

And while most small businesses aren’t trying to break into the space travel market, they’re still shooting for the stars. These businesses need capital to chase their dreams and that usually means finding someone (with money) who’s excited to back that dream. Microinvesting provides businesses with a broader pool of both accredited and unaccredited investors.

The Commonalities Between Squirrels and Investors

by Joshua Rollins on October 21, 2020.

Here in the Upstate, tis the season for countless Eastern Gray Squirrels to busily bury, unbury, rebury and even lose track of diligently harvested acorns. While this peculiar behavior can stump even the most astute sciuriologist (trivia nugget #1), there’s a perfect (used loosely) connection to investor goals and outcomes. Nuturally, I expect you’ll want an explanation. Don’t worry; it’s not too tough a nut to crack.